The Talleyrand Maxim
by J. S. Fletcher (1863 - 1935)
Death brings Opportunity - 18:58
In Trust - 16:26
The Shop-Boy - 15:54
The Fortunate Possessors - 16:28
Point Blank - 17:37
The Unexpected - 16:30
The Supreme Inducement - 12:04
Terms - 14:09
Until Next Spring - 13:16
The Foot-Bridge - 16:08
The Prevalent Atmosphere - 16:44
The Power of Attorney - 16:34
The First Trick - 13:53
Cards on the Table - 14:38
Pratt offers a Hand - 14:33
A Headquarters Conference - 14:33
Advertisement - 15:25
The Confiding Landlord - 14:17
The Eye Witness - 14:07
The Green Man - 13:09
The Direct Charge - 14:48
The Cat's Paw - 14:08
Smooth Face and Anxious Brain - 11:25
The Better Half - 15:29
Dry Sherry - 12:03
The Telephone Message - 10:02
Restored to Energy - 11:27
The Woman in Black - 21:37